Monday, August 31, 2009

LLM etc.

Today's blog brought to you by the sponsor - Tyrese.

First day of of school and I am running all over the place.  Thankfully I finally finished all the errands I had and have been able to take a moment to sit down... inside the GW law library :)  Seems pretty nice so far, although the whole school is pretty confusing- it is three buildings which are all attached.  I also wore heels today, which isn't the smartest thing to do with a broken toe, but it looked nice when I put them on.  I now completely regret it.  

My first class isn't for another couple hours, but I'm already nervous!  It isn't even at the law school, but down at the courthouse because the professor is a judge.  I'm actually going to head out soon in case I get completely lost trying to get there.  I have no idea how I am going to stay focused from 6-9pm every night since I am totally not a night person, but hopefully I'll get used to it!

On a final note- to express my frustrations from running around in circles today on campus- some people suck.  

Update-- right before finishing my post I heard back from one person I needed information from, so one less person sucks.

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