Monday, September 7, 2009

Yummmmm... Pancakes

So I woke up this past weekend and was craving pancakes.  Possibly because I was ridiculously hungover after have a 'date' with the Bf the night before.  He just got the new Mac (which I also have) and gmail has a new video chat program, so we had a dinner and drinks date.  We also had our Draft.  I am in one fantasy league, and it is for Top Chef!  Yes, not at all a real sport, but it is an awesome TV show and its fun to do, since Bf looves fantasy sports.  My team right now is Ashley, Ash, and Michael Voltaggio.  I'm pretty pscyhed and ready to kick the Bf's butt!  I haven't gotten to watch the episode last night yet to see how I did, hopefully it went well!

But I digress, I should get back to pancakes.  So I woke up craving pancakes, but pancakes have eggs and milk.  So I scoured various websites wondering if such a thing as vegan pancakes actually exists.  It does!!  Plus, I used whole wheat flour, which made it even healthier.  The recipe had whole wheat flour, rice milk, baking soda, baking powder, and a bit of maple syrup to sweeten it.  They came out pretty freakin good.  A friend came over and had them with me, and although he said they weren't just like regular pancakes, they were close!  

On the legal front, I had coffee yesterday with the partner at a law firm here in DC.  He is actually an alum at the same school I am at now, and was absolutely interested in helping me with my career.  He called me 'impressive,' which is pretty cool- it gave me a small confidence boost for the day!  He took my resume and is passing it onto people he knows are looking to hire.  He also offered me a job if I wanted it, but its not the type of legal work I'm looking for.  

So I've actually been working on this post for like 3-4 days.  This week has been crazy busy b/t resume building, coffee dates, and studying for school, but since its now Thursday I am super excited b/c Bf is coming tomorrow!!!!! :-D  I haven't seen him in two weeks so I can't wait!  I think I'm going to cook dinner for us on Friday night and then we'll go out Saturday.  The weekend is going to be awesome!  

Hope everyone else has a great weekend!! 


  1. dude the fiance and i totally have "dates" too on our macbooks. long distance love. sigh.

  2. hey i love your face
