But I digress, I should get back to pancakes. So I woke up craving pancakes, but pancakes have eggs and milk. So I scoured various websites wondering if such a thing as vegan pancakes actually exists. It does!! Plus, I used whole wheat flour, which made it even healthier. The recipe had whole wheat flour, rice milk, baking soda, baking powder, and a bit of maple syrup to sweeten it. They came out pretty freakin good. A friend came over and had them with me, and although he said they weren't just like regular pancakes, they were close!
On the legal front, I had coffee yesterday with the partner at a law firm here in DC. He is actually an alum at the same school I am at now, and was absolutely interested in helping me with my career. He called me 'impressive,' which is pretty cool- it gave me a small confidence boost for the day! He took my resume and is passing it onto people he knows are looking to hire. He also offered me a job if I wanted it, but its not the type of legal work I'm looking for.
So I've actually been working on this post for like 3-4 days. This week has been crazy busy b/t resume building, coffee dates, and studying for school, but since its now Thursday I am super excited b/c Bf is coming tomorrow!!!!! :-D I haven't seen him in two weeks so I can't wait! I think I'm going to cook dinner for us on Friday night and then we'll go out Saturday. The weekend is going to be awesome!
Hope everyone else has a great weekend!!